Bharat Forge said it has received an order worth ₹177.95 crores from the Ministry of Defence for the supply of Kalyani M4 vehicles.
Bharat Forge, which is one of the leading forging companies of India’s has recently been in the news for its partnership with the global aerospace and tech firm - Paramount Group. The two had been in talks at the International Defence Expo, Abu Dhabi and came to an agreement signed by both companies for the production of armoured vehicles in the country. The vehicle in discourse here is the Kalyani M4. This vehicle is built according to the specific requirements of the armed forces which include fast-paced manoeuvrability over rough terrains and areas which are threatened by land mines and improvised explosives. The vehicle is made on a flat-floor monocoque hull which enables ballistic and blast protection capabilities of the Kalyani M4 to be rated up to 50kgs of TNT side blast or IED bombs. The Kalyani M4 houses a 6-cylinder turbocharged diesel producing 465 BHP and 1627 NM of torque.
“The Kalyani M4 is based on one of our flagship armoured vehicles designed for in-country production in India with our partners, the Kalyani Group,” said Paramount Group Chairman Ivor Ichikowitz. While Amit Kalyani- Bharat Forge Deputy MD in an interview, stated, “This collaboration brings together the manufacturing and technology excellence of two leading companies. The Kalyani M4 is a fantastic new-generation vehicle, and we want to position it as the future of protection in all markets worldwide”.