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Offers on Nexa Models for June 2020

Find Offers / Discounts on Nexa Models for June 2020 here –

  1. Baleno:

  2. Except Sigma variants: Benefits upto Rs.33,000 (Cash Discount of Rs.15k + Exchange Bonus of Rs.15k + ISL discount of Rs.3k)

  3. Sigma Variant: Benefits upto Rs.38,000 (Cash Discount of Rs.20k + Exchange Bonus of Rs.15k + ISL discount of Rs.3k)

  4. Ciaz:

  5. Except Alpha variants: Benefits upto Rs.35,000 (Cash Discount of Rs.10k + Exchange Bonus of Rs.20k + ISL discount of Rs.5k)

  6. Alpha Variant: Benefits upto Rs.25,000 (Exchange Bonus of Rs.20k + ISL discount of Rs.5k)

  7. Ignis:

  8. Except Sigma variants: Benefits upto Rs.28,000 (Cash Discount of Rs.10k + Exchange Bonus of Rs.15k + ISL discount of Rs.3k)

  9. Sigma Variant: Benefits upto Rs.38,000 (Cash Discount of Rs.20k + Exchange Bonus of Rs.15k + ISL discount of Rs.3k)

  10. XL6: Exchange Bonus of Rs.10k


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