The Auto Industry had a tough July’18 owing to inauspicious period in various parts of the country (particularly south had Aashada in Karnataka & AP, Karkidakam in Kerala & Aadi in TN). The period is similar to Shraadh in Northern part of the country. The passenger vehicle sales degrew 2.8% in July’18 compared to same period last year. The last year base was also high as the market had jumped post GST implementation in July 2017.
As always, the OEMs with New Launches survived the month and posted a positive growth – the likes of Hyundai, Honda & Tata had a positive YoY growth due to New Creta, New Amaze & Nexon contribution to the respective OEMs sales.
Maruti’s Market Share grew even stronger at 53.3% which was a healthy 1.2% MS growth over previous July.
The highest Market Share growth was registered by Honda Cars and its MS jumped to 1.2% owing to the stupendous response for its Newly launched Amaze. As a matter of fact, Amaze sold 10,180 units in July’18 which is the highest volume posted by any Honda model in a month till date!
Honda now ranks THIRD, overtaking the mighty homegrown heroes (Mahindra & Tata). The race for No.3 spot is now the fiercest and all 3 OEMs (Honda, M&M, Tata) fare neck-to-neck.
Tata slips to No.5 position and stands below Mahindra. However, the difference between the two OEMs was meager 231 units.
Toyota’s bet in the form of Yaris failed and thus impacted the Japanese OEMs dream to gain volumes succumbed. Toyota’s YoY degrowth was at a massive 23%.