Top 20 Two Wheelers sold over 8 Lakh units in March 2020 and contributed to over 92% of Two Wheeler Sales for the month!

In March 2020; 2.63 Lakh scooters, 5.7 Lakh motorcycles and 32k Mopeds were sold in India. Among this Top 20 Two Wheelers contributed to a sale of 8,00,266 units v/s overall Two Wheelers sales of 8,66,849 units.
Top 20 Two Wheelers had 11 Motorcycles, 8 Scooters and 1 Moped faring in the list. Hero’s Splendor & HF Deluxe Motorcycles were able to overtake Honda Activa’s sales numbers in March 2020.
Honda’s Shine and Dio has seen major spurt in YoY sales. While Shine emerged as the 4th best selling two wheeler; Dio overtook the likes of Jupiter & Access to become the second best selling scooter for March 2020!