Hero Splendor maintains its position as India's Best-Selling Motorcycle and sold almost 2 times of second in rank CB Shine! Hero Motocorp had the highest 4 offerings in the Top 10 and was followed by Honda & Bajaj at 2 each.

Hero Splendor continued its run and recorded sales of 1.93L units. Hero's dominance in the entry-level Motorcycle segment is unparalleled and the OEM recently launched 100 million editions of some models too.
However; its sibling HF Deluxe saw a dip in sales and recorded 71, 294 units.
Honda is leaving no stone unturned to gain hold in the segment. The major focus is on Shine where it could register 79,416 units and is at the second spot in the table. Even Honda's second model in the Top 10 list - Unicorn registered 16,602 units.
Bajaj's Pulsar ranked fourth and registered 66,586 units. It was followed by Platina that registered 35,464 units. Do note that Bajaj had launched the updated Platina 100 Electric Start (ES) in Feb'21.
Royal Enfield Classic 350 saw a dip in volumes at 23,298 units.