Yes, KTM which is already famous for its orange avatars, has launched the white Duke 390 for 2018. The 390 Duke comes packed with 43.5 Ps of power and 37 Nm torque and a host of features such as a trellis frame, all-LED headlamp, multifunction TFT display, open-cartridge suspension by WP. Safety is ensured by the presence of large dual disc brakes (320mm/230mm front/rear) and ABS by BOSCH.
KTM Duke 390 was recently chosen as the 2018 ‘Indian Motorcycle of The Year’ by a jury of 16 eminent automotive journalists.
Speaking on the occasion Mr. Amit Nandi President (Probiking) said “KTM has been amongst the fastest growing motorcycle brands in the country. The new generation of KTM Dukes launched last year have been extremely well received and with this new color variant we have broadened the choices available for our customers.” Bookings for the white color variant of the KTM 390 Duke have begun across the 400+ exclusive KTM showrooms in the country.