Hero Splendor maintains its position as India's Best-Selling Motorcycle and sold almost 2 times of second in rank HF Deluxe! Hero Motocorp had the highest 4 offerings in the Top 10 and was followed by Honda & Bajaj at 2 each.
List of Top 10 Motorcycles for February 2021 -

Hero Splendor continued its growth run and recorded a YoY increase of 15%. Hero's dominance in the entry-level Motorcycle segment is unparalleled and the OEM recently launched 100 million editions of some models too.
However; its sibling HF Deluxe saw a dip in sales and the YoY fall recorded was -28%.
Honda is leaving no stone unturned to gain hold in the segment. The major focus is on Shine where it could grow a mammoth 128% YoY and is now aiming the second spot in the table. Even Honda's second model in the Top 10 list - Unicorn grew an impressive 90% YoY.
Bajaj's Pulsar ranked fourth and grew a modest 8% YoY. It was followed by Platina that registered 37% YoY growth. Do note that Bajaj had launched the updated Platina 100 Electric Start (ES) in Feb'21 (source).
Royal Enfield Classic 350 saw a dip in volumes and degrew -14% YoY. H'ness effect?
Top 10 Motorcycles for Feb'21 Chart -